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Resource sector specialists, for environment, and economy

Data Analysis & Modelling

Learn more about the data analysis and modelling services we provide to public and private sector clients

Collaborative Research

Learn more about how we work collaboratively on research with clients and partners, minimising cost and maximising value

Market Analysis & Forecasting

Learn more about our market analysis and forecasting services, underpinning clients confidence to invest

Circular Economy Research

Learn more about our position on the circular economy & which parts of the RESOLVE toolkit require research

Simon Glen, BA(Hons), MSc

0753 058 4544

Simon has been involved in resource management and renewable energy for over 15 years in the private sector, public sector and in commercial business.


With over 150 projects delivered, ranging from project identification and feasibility, technical and market analysis, through to technical due diligence and commercial close, Simon has an extensive experience throughout the project development cycle.


Whether it’s delivering economic analysis of markets, technical analysis of processes and analysis of business plans for infrastructure, services and policy or integrated technical and financial models for funder approval, Simon has a commercial focus to ensure that projects deliver profits, performance and improvement.

Tim Reid, BSc (Hons), MCIWM 

07969 722 157

Tim has over 12 years’ experience in resource management, with projects conducted for Government, public and private sectors.


Tim is one of the UK’s leading experts on waste data, and has been involved in a large number of projects requiring intensive data capture and analysis to evaluate arisings, composition, performance of kerbside schemes and determination of best practice.


Tim’s skills have also underpinned significant analysis of markets and feedstocks, and feasibility of new schemes and infrastructure.


A statistician by training and a veteran of over 55 projects across the resource management sector, Tim has an eye for detail that brings real value to complex projects.


Data Analysis & Modelling

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Data Collection

Gather has extensive experience in collecting and cleansing both primary and secondary resource-related data. Specialists in survey methodology we have conducted numerous representative surveys at both local and national level. We use robust statistical sampling methodologies and ensure high return rates while maximising the accuracy and impact of the survey for any level of budget.

We are experts in the sourcing, utilisation and amalgamation of the widest range of publicly available data sets, with experience using national resource management datasets, regulatory returns, international trade data and socioeconomic classifications. We also help clients make the most of any data at their disposal, including geospatial and GPS tracking information. Frequently entrusted with confidential and commercially sensitive data, we always ensure that our activities are GDPR compliant.

Modelling & Analysis

Developers of over 75 discrete resource flow and economic models, we provide clients with the tools to make informed decisions based on real-world scenarios. Whether clients are planning innovative new service models or designing or evaluating treatment infrastructure, our modelling combines in-depth industry knowledge with shrewd economic understanding and statistical rigour.

Experts in service review, problem solving and troubleshooting, we apply advanced research methods in our analysis. In using statistical methods such as regression analysis and significance testing we are able to identify hidden relationships and draw relevant conclusions which point to clear courses of action for the client. Our services also extend to spreadsheet audits and peer reviews, which provide peace of mind to project managers.

Outputs & Utilisation

We provide clear and concise outputs geared to all levels of audience. Where preferable, we can provide interactive reports which highlight key narratives using visually stimulating tables and charts, ideal for passing on key points to colleagues or superiors.


All our outputs come with a balanced appraisal and unbiased recommendations which consider viewpoints from all angles.

Waste Data Analysis


Waste Composition


Kerbside Recycling Optimisation

Residual Waste Capacity


Deposit Return Scheme


National Policy & Strategy

Business Planning

Performance Benchmarking

Policy Analysis

Economic Development

KPI Modelling

Cost & Performance Review

GIS Modelling

Data Collection

Collaborative Research

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Pooling Resources

At Gather, our aim is to democratise the research process, allowing resource industry stakeholders to both influence the topics explored and pool resources to access high quality, cost efficient and objective analysis.

In an era of austerity, high quality consultancy is no longer affordable for many organisations. Gather therefore allows for organisations with shared objectives and similarly tight budgets to come together to commission projects collectively via crowdfunding, at a fraction of the usual price.


Fact Checking

Gather provides a fact checking service for any burning issues in within the sector.

If you or your organisation has a question you would like answered or a claim you would like investigated then drop us a line. If enough other industry stakeholders have the same question we will develop a proposal and open the project to pledges. If we receive enough pledges the project can go ahead.


Client Collaboration

More often than not, one size does not fit all or there’s no one right answer. That’s why, at Gather we welcome client feedback and encourage a collaborative interrogation of our findings throughout the course of the project.


In this way we can calibrate the project to the exact needs of the client as the project develops, making joint decisions and tailoring outputs based on a shared understanding of the underlying issues.

Collaborative Concepts


Our research and analysis generates a range of topic areas where we believe collaboration is an optimal use of resources for clients.


Examples of these include:

  • What are the barriers and drivers to recycling performance by Local Authority type?

  • How would charging for garden waste collections affect performance and contamination?

  • Is it best to prioritise quality over quantity?

  • What is the most efficient way to collect waste plastics?

  • Would it be viable for Local Authorities to extract DRS materials from kerbside streams?

  • What are the potential benefits of shared services across boundaries?

  • What are the implications of full cost recovery?

  • What is the current composition of commercial waste?

  • What is the future for the treatment of fines in Scotland?

  • Where should investment be prioritised for each stakeholder group in the resources sector?


Market Analysis & Forecasting

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Market Analysis

Whether you are a developer planning a new facility or process - a funder looking to establish the market condition in anticipation of lending or acquisition - or an established business looking to expand or consolidate your position - high quality, objective market analysis is of great importance. As a data driven organisation, Gather are committed to providing up to date, quality analysis of your market to underpin strategy and investment.



In a global marketplace, we use a wide range of data sources and high quality statistical analysis to provide data on volume, pricing, forecasting, financial stability, market volatility and assessing impacts. Local competition, viability and gap analysis also forms a core part of our market analysis offering. We provide the groundwork in understanding the market, driven by data, informed by the real world.


Due Diligence

Our due diligence services are available to developers and lenders, bringing significant detail and modelling capability throughout all stages of a project. Gather combines technical, process and financial knowledge with current and forecasted market data to provide a comprehensive market due diligence to underpin investment. Treated with sensitivity and commercial clarity, our due diligence services are gaining respect in a crowded diligence market.


Recyclates Market


AD Market


Organics Market

EfW Market


RDF Market


Alternative Fuels Market

Collections Market

MRF Market

Biochemicals Market


Circular Economy Research

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Circular Economy

Gather fully supports the principal of exploring the Circular Economy model as a means of enhancing environmental protections, reinvigorating economies, and as a driver of broader social progress.


The Circular Economy model has the potential to bring significant economic and environmental benefits. Significant research has been undertaken to date on the CE framework, and indeed there have been a number of case studies on how some companies are managing the transition to a CE model. 

At Gather however, we believe that there is not enough significant, objective and comprehensive research into the specifics of the CE model, and how it would operate in real time, in the real world. As such, we highlight below the areas where we feel additional research and analysis is required.








  • Setting diagnostics and values for socioeconomic regeneration

  • Impacts of regeneration options on society

  • Routemapping to "normalisation" of renewable options 

  • Socioeconomic impacts of promoting a sharing economy

  • Impact of sharing and servitisation models on household finances

  • Modelling accessibility to the sharing economy across income and age distributions

  • Negative effects to the economy of product performance improvement

  • Designing benign "big data" frameworks for consumption modelling

  • Sectoral CBA analysis of production waste minimisation

  • Do current manufacturing supply chains allow for sufficient reverse logistics?

  • Value management approaches to value secondary materials 

  • Limits to recycling of materials and the "gap" in secondary supply

  • Non environmental benefits of office virtualisation.

  • Prioritisation of dematerialisation opportunities in public sector.

  • Net impacts of dematerialisation on transport and utilities emissions.

  • Options analysis for funding large scale switch to high efficiency transport and utilities.

  • Modelling optimal consumption as a means of providing a routemap for optimal exchanges.

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